Legal documents have specific wording and require highly-professional legal translators to have legal translations accurate, true and correct. Legal translators of Russian-English, Russian-French, Russian-Spanish, Russian-Portuguese, Russian-Polish, Russian-German, Russian-Chinese, Russian-Arabic suppose to have very specific knowledge of the profile languages and legal area in general. Russian language legal translators mostly specialize and deal with translation of bylaws, charters, articles of association, memorandum, certificates of incorporation, agreements, contracts, declarations, powers of attorney, certificates, statements, reports, affidavits, judgments, rulings, decrees, resolutions, good … Continue reading «Russian legal translations»
Polonya’da adli sicil belgesi
Posted on Categories NewsPolonya’da ikamet eden veya etmeyen bir kişi tarafından Avrupa ve dünyanın diğer ülkelerinde göçmenlik, istihdam veya iş açılışı için Polonya adli sicil belgesi gereklidir. Polonya adli sicil belgesi ülkelerde kullanılmak üzere Polonya’nın Varşova, Krakow, Wroclaw, Poznań, Lodz, Gdansk, Lublin, Rzeszów şehirlerindeki yetkili kurumlarında düzenlenir. Avrupa ve dünyadaki çoğu ülke için, Polonya adli sicil belgesi bir apostil damgası ve gerekirse akredite edilmiş veya mahkeme/yeminli bir tercümeyi içermelidir. Uzmanlar Accordo Internazionale Polonya’nın çeşitli şehirlerinde bir Polonya sertifikasının tescili ve diğer Avrupa ülkelerinden … Continue reading «Polonya’da adli sicil belgesi»
Mobile and Web Applications Translation into/from Russian and Ukrainian
Posted on Categories NewsNowadays, to have your mobile or web application (App) version alongside your website in a number of world languages is a must in the modern business world. Literally, the more language versions your business has, the better performance it shows globally. Websites, mobile applications and web applications in Russian and Ukrainian languages are strongly recommended to be competitive on markets of Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Eastern Europe. Professional translators of Russian and Ukrainian … Continue reading «Mobile and Web Applications Translation into/from Russian and Ukrainian»
Preklad do ukrajinstiny na Ukrajine a v Ceske republice
Posted on Categories NewsUkrajinstina je v Ceske republice v poslednich letech velmi popularni pro preklady. Hlavni rozdil v prekladu z ukrajinskeho jazyka do ceskeho jazyka a z ceskeho jazyka do ukrajinskeho jazyka je ten, ze pro Ceskou republiku je obvykle vyzadovan soudni preklad a pro Ukrajinu — preklad s notarskym overenim na Ukrajine. Na Ukrajine notarsky preklad z cestiny do ukrajinstiny provadeji profesionalni ukrajinsti a cesti prekladatele v Kyjeve, Charkove, Dnepru, Zaporozi, Odese, Mykolajove, Vinnici, Cerkassy, Lvove, Uzhorodu, Cernovice a dalsich mestech … Continue reading «Preklad do ukrajinstiny na Ukrajine a v Ceske republice»
Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag in Polen
Posted on Categories NewsAls u enige tijd in Polen heeft gewoond of gewerkt, moet u ter bevestiging een verklaring omtrent het gedrag van Polen verkrijgen om uw status in andere landen van Europa en de wereld te bevestigen. Verklaring omtrent het gedragwordt afgegeven door de bevoegde autoriteiten van Polen (Warschau, Krakau, Gdansk, Lodz, Wroclaw, Lublin, Katowice, Rzeszów) voor ingezetenen en niet-ingezetenen van de Republiek Polen binnen 2-3 werkdagen op basis van een kopie van het internationale paspoort van de aanvrager en zijn … Continue reading «Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag in Polen»
Russian English and English Russian Translation
Posted on Categories NewsAs Russian language is widely used and spoken in all ex-USSR states (Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan Tajikistan), Baltic states (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia) and Eastern Europe states (Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria), Russian- English and English-Russian translations are much popular and demanded. Certified Russian and English translators specialize mostly in written certified and notarized translation of medical, technical, IT, financial, legal, pharmaceutical, academic, scientific texts, translation of birth/marriage/divorce certificates, diploma, passport, driving … Continue reading «Russian English and English Russian Translation»
Ukrainian and Russian language website translation and localization
Posted on Categories NewsGlobal businesses presenting across the globe should have different language versions of their official websites to be more competitive and successful. To expand your business in Ukraine and Russian-speaking countries your website is recommended to be translated in Russian or Ukrainian language with a proper localization in Ukrainian or/and Russian. If your website is English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Czech, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonia, Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Chinese, Arabic and any other world language, to translate … Continue reading «Ukrainian and Russian language website translation and localization»
Ukrainian English cerified translation
Posted on Categories NewsAccordo Internazionale is your reliable provider of professional Ukrainian English certified translations in Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Moldova, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Turkey, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, UK and other countries of Europe. Ukrainian to English certified translations by expert Ukrainian language translators mostly cover education documents (diploma, transcript, supplement, academic certificate), individual documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, death certificate), court judgments, powers of attorney, medical documents and company and corporate documents (contract, agreement, … Continue reading «Ukrainian English cerified translation»
Certified Russian diploma and transcript translation
Posted on Categories NewsCertified and notarized translation of a diploma, transcript, supplement, certificate and other education documents from Russian and Ukrainian are obligatory when these documents are going to be used overseas. Russian language native speaking translators have much expertise in translation of any diploma, transcript, supplement, certificate from Russian into English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Czech, Romanian, Turkish, Chinese, Arabic and other languages. Translation of Russian language diplomas, transcripts and supplements is mostly requested for further study … Continue reading «Certified Russian diploma and transcript translation»
Certified Ukrainian Birth and Marriage Certificate Translation
Posted on Categories NewsCertified and notarized translation of Ukrainian birth/marriage certificates are required for immigration, visa, employment, study and other purposes in other countries of Europe (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, UK, Portugal, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark), Israel, Turkey, China, Canada, USA, India, Australia, Egypt, Brazil, the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and many other states and countries. Ukrainian birth and marriage certificates are issued by all civil registry offices in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Dnipro, … Continue reading «Certified Ukrainian Birth and Marriage Certificate Translation»