Certified and notarized Ukrainian translators and translations

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  Quality and high-end translations into/from Ukrainian language are provided by highly professional native speaker certified translators of Ukrainian in Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Romania, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Hungary and other countries and territories of Europe.  Professional Ukrainian translators mostly translate individual and business documents like a police clearance certificate, diploma, transcript, supplement, power of attorney, medical report, medical certificate, birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, death certificate, judgment, passport, … Continue reading «Certified and notarized Ukrainian translators and translations»

Police clearance certificate from Hungary

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  European countries like Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, UK and Hungary, in particular, are on the top list originating police clearance certificates (police record, criminal record, certificate of good conduct, certificate of no conviction, police check, certificate of non-criminal record, police character certificate), apostille, legalization and attestation procedures. In Hungary a police clearance certificate is issued by competent authorities in the capital, Budapest and in Eger, Debrecen, Miskolc and other towns … Continue reading «Police clearance certificate from Hungary»

Certificat de cazier judiciar in Moldova

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  Certificat de cazier judiciar eliberat de Ministerul Afacerilor Interne al Republicii Moldova pentru cetatenii Republicii Moldova si altor tari ale Europei si lumii. Certificatul de cazier judiciar moldovenesc este cel mai adesea eliberat pentru depunere in Spania, Italia, Portugalia, Franta, Marea Britanie, Romania si alte tari europene. In functie de tara de depunere, procedurile de apostilare sau legalizare, pentru un astfel de certificat poate fi necesara in plus traducerea sau certificarea de catre un notar. Se intocmeste si se … Continue reading «Certificat de cazier judiciar in Moldova»

Police clearance certificate from Slovakia

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  For many people it becomes a real issue to get a police clearance certificate from different countries of Europe and the world. Sometimes it’s connected with too much paperwork, bureaucracy or even personal show-up. In such situations Accordo Internationale is here to help you with issuance of police clearance certificates (police record, criminal record, certificate of good conduct, certificate of no conviction, police check, certificate of non-criminal record) from Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Moldova, Kazakhstan, … Continue reading «Police clearance certificate from Slovakia»

Replacement, recovery and obtaining birth/marriage/divorce certificates in Ukraine

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  It can be a real issue to replace, recover, re-issue and obtain a duplicate of birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, death certificate and any kind of extracts from Public (State) Register of Civil Status of Citizens at civil registry offices in Ukraine for a person out of Ukraine.  Accordo Internazionale is the right place to address to get any duplicate and original copy of birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, death certificate, extract of birth, extract of maiden’s … Continue reading «Replacement, recovery and obtaining birth/marriage/divorce certificates in Ukraine»

Police clearance certificate in Latvia

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  Police clearance certificate (police record, criminal record, certificate of good conduct, certificate of no conviction, police check, certificate of non-criminal record) from Latvia is requested mainly from Latvian nationals and expats for further employment, visa purposes or business issues in other countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Americas. Latvian police clearance certificate is provided by authorities of Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Latvia in Riga, Daugavpils, Jelgava, Jurmala, Liepaja, Ventspils and other settlements of Latvia. In most … Continue reading «Police clearance certificate in Latvia»

Certificado do registo criminal na Polónia

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  O certificado do registo criminal da Polónia é emitido por instituições polacas competentes em Varsóvia, Cracóvia, Wroclaw, Poznań, Rzeszów, Lublin, Lodz para Portugal, Brasil e outros países do mundo. O prazo padrão de validade de tal certificado é de 3 meses. O certificado do registro criminal polonês requer um carimbo de apostila ou legalização para seu uso em outros países da Europa, Ásia, África ou América. Accordo Internazionale é o seu parceiro profissional para a emissão de certificados do … Continue reading «Certificado do registo criminal na Polónia»

Führungszeugnis/ Strafregisterbescheinigung in der Ukraine

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  Ein Strafregisterauszug/Führungszeugnis des Innenministeriums der Ukraine ist eines der Dokumente, das den Status eines Bürgers der Ukraine oder eines Ausländers bestätigt, der sich auf dem Territorium der Ukraine aufhält. Ein ukrainisches Führungszeugnis/ Strafregisterbescheinigung wird in den zuständigen Servicezentren in Kiew (Kyjiw), Poltawa, Sumy, Tschernihiw, Tscherkassy, ​​Zhytomyr, Kropyvnytskyi, Charkiw, Kramatorsk, Dnipro, Kryvyi Rih, Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv, Cherson, Odesa, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytskyi, Rivne ausgestellt, Luzk, Ternopil, Iwano-Frankiwsk, Czernowitz, Lemberg (Lwiw) und andere Städte der Ukraine. Für Deutschland, die Schweiz, Österreich und andere Länder … Continue reading «Führungszeugnis/ Strafregisterbescheinigung in der Ukraine»

Extrait de casier judiciaire en Pologne

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  Avez-vous besoin d’un extrait de casier judiciaire d’Ukraine, de Moldavie, de Roumanie, de Lituanie ou de Pologne? С’est notre profil et notre expertise, c’est pourquoi les spécialistes d’Accordo Internazionale établiront pour vous un extrait de casier judiciaire polonais sans votre présence, ni procuration ni aucun document administratif. Un extrait de casier judiciaire (zaswiadczenie o niekaralnosci/ Zapytanie o udzielenie informacji o osobie) est délivré en Pologne pour dépôt sur le territoire de la République de Pologne ou d’autres pays d’Europe … Continue reading «Extrait de casier judiciaire en Pologne»

Extrait de casier judiciaire — Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odesa, Lviv (Ukraine)

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  Il extrait de casier judiciaire du Ministère de l’Intérieur de l’Ukraine est délivré à Kiev (Kyiv), Poltava, Sumy, Chernihiv, Cherkassy, ​​​​Poltava, Kropyvnytskyi, Dnipro, Kryvyi Rih, Zaporizhzhia, Kramatorsk, Kherson, Mykolaïv, Odesa, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytskyi, Rivne, Jytomyr, Lutsk, Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Uzhhorod et d’autres villes d’Ukraine. Ce document est nécessaire pour un emploi, un séjour professionnel ou de longue durée sur le territoire de la France, de la Belgique, de la Suisse, du Canada et des autres pays d’Europe, d’Amérique, d’Asie … Continue reading «Extrait de casier judiciaire — Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odesa, Lviv (Ukraine)»